Today we went to visit a farm of a family that I met through one of my online goat groups. It was nice to make contact with someone in the area that has goats. It seems to be hard to make contact with people around here with like interests, I think it has to do with it being bi-cultural.
These folks live on 77 acres over looking the Transmountains, Ellen should remember these mountains as being the ones that you can drive up into and over look the city of El Paso and Juarez, Mexico. They have 90 horses, approx. 30 goats of various breeds (some milking kind others meat kind), so many dogs I was wondering which numbered more, the horses or the goats, some llamas, and a few donkeys.
We had a nice visit with them, got to pet plenty of horses, feed the goats pecans, pet the llamas, and the kids helped to prepare the horses feed. They were helpful with information about a few places around to get hay and grain. They had only one goat that interested me in buying it if all things work out for that to happen. They did offer us all the milk I could milk out a couple days a week. They can't sell milk in New Mexico, which is where they live, without a license, which they don't care to waste the money on, but I can take what I milk out. Since they lost their foreman the man who owns the place is up to his ears in things to do anyway. So as a favor to him I will milk two days a week, and as my pay I get to take that milk home with me. The amount of milk that we will get will nearly supply our demand.
What I'm about to say next means nothing to most of you, in fact only Joan will know what I'm talking about. The milkers they have are an Oberhasli breed. I was surprised to find that out since I believe that is a Sweedish breed. I thought for sure that the more popular breed of goat would be Nubian since they come from Africa and could handle the hot summers here. Their teats were so nice and big compared to the two goats that we have had previously, which would make them easier to milk.
We had a fun day there anyway, and it was so nice to be able to see farm animals again. See more photos of our visit to the Farm here in the "Visit to the Farm" album.
Yea! God gave us an apartment! It's right over by the Derryfield Park area on the corner of Belmont and Orange. Now we know where we're going to live, too ~ yippee!
The Big E
I'm glad to hear it!! We had been praying for you. You'll have to give me a call when you have some time so you can tell me more about what it looks like.
In case I don't get a chance to call...the new place is in very nice condition, not perfect, but much, much better than our present place. I found today that it has a dishwasher (which I doubt I'll use much) and a garbage disposal, too. (Hey, Mike--want to come over and use it??)
Since it's a two-bedroom, and just Dave an I will be living there, that leaves us extra closet and storage space.
You know what? This WAY too much to be writing on this site!!! Guess I WILL have to give you a call. :)
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