Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Goat pics

I finally got around to taking pictures of the goats. I had to wait until they were all out and about. I also had to wait until the least friendly one would be comfortable enough not to run away if I got too close.

The one in front in this picture is named Sassy (previously named), and we just call her Sass for short. The others name is Tapestry (also previously named).

Tapestry is very friendly, she was a bottle baby, so she has no fear of us. Sassy on the other hand was not a bottle baby, and on top of that she has her own baby she is nursing right now making her doubly suspicious of us. However out of all of the alpines available to choose from she had the best looking udder, and most amount of milk to offer, even with a baby on her.

As long as I bring her baby into the milk room with her she will stand and milk fine for me, but if he isn't there she will only bellow and look for him. Sometimes he (by the way his name is Walnut, Wal for short) will not be paying attention and doesn't notice that Sass has gone into the milk room until she starts to bellow for him. It can be quite a chore getting them both organized and ready for milking. On the other hand goats are creatures of routine, and once they understand my routine they will both know what to do.

Wal will eventually become dinner, and then all of Sass's milk will go into our bellies. The exciting part about having goats is when you breed them and seeing what comes out. We will be using a Nubian buck that our friend has, so crossing the three breeds should produce some interesting babies.

You can see more pictures of them by following this link and looking in the "Goat Pics" file. I will also be adding new photos to the "Goat Barn" file that were taken the day before the goats came.



Anonymous said...

Denise, I enjoy reading all your blogs and seeing the pictures of your family and your goings-on. The goats look cute and I know you guys are glad to have goats once more! ~ Amy Becker

Anonymous said...

First, I wasn't given your new blog notice, then I got it twice! What's the deal??
The Big E

Perry Family said...

Amy, good to hear from you. How are things out your way? I'll have to drop you an email some time. Send pics of the kids when you have them.


Anonymous said...

beaUtiful goats...I really like the black one...and the Alpine is a pretty girl too...I think u should put on a pic of the baby...I LUV baby goats!!!

Anonymous said...

Would the baby goat lover happen to be the same one who LOVES kitties? ;)

Anonymous said...

Boy, the clock sure is messed up on your site! Mine says 3:07, but put my entry time at 12:09. Aren't you only 2 hours behind us?

Perry Family said...

Yes the lover of kitties is the same lover of baby goats.

On the clock thing, we are three hours behind you, not two.


Anonymous said...

You USED to be only two hours behind me!! Wahhhhh! Now you're even further away! ;(

Anonymous said...

Now, I looked up the time differences on line, Sistah, and you're only in NM, not Arizona. How'd you end up three hours behind us? (Or, as you would say "bee-hind" us). Huh? huh? huh?

You know who wrote this....

Anonymous said...

Yah...i am a luvver of ALLLL animals...except for vampire bats and hippos.