Friday, August 04, 2006


A couple of days ago we were told that El Paso had made the news two days in a row on the the news in New Hampshire because of the flooding. Though our yard was a complete sheet of rain at one point we have trenches on our property dug to channel the water into ponding areas so it wasn't bad for us. However many areas in El Paso had homes that were flooded out. We saw video of some of the flooding and two of those big heavy business dumpster were picked up and hauled down the streets on the water. Some areas in Las Cruces New Mexico (about 35 minutes from us) and El paso, Texas (20 minutes from us) got their annual rainfal in one day.

It has been great for the kids. We take them to the ponding areas and let them hunt for toads and frogs. Our tarantula enjoys eating the little ones.

Here are some photos of a coming storm


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