Friday, August 04, 2006


Slowly but surely I'm getting around to writing about all of the children. At this rate I might have a new one to right about (that's only a joke).

Lets talk about Mikey. In the photos you can see Mikey is pulling his share of the work around here. In these pictures he is shoveling rock into the wheelbarrel and unloading it at the end of our drive way, where we have found it to be quite muddy this time of year.

While the girls do their chores of cleaning on the inside, Mikey has a morning chore of sweeping off the porches and picking up any trash in the yard. He does a good job so long as Sandy, our kitty, doesn't distract him, which happens often.

Mikey is every bit of boy, and though at times it is bother some, thankfully God has given me an understanding about it. Having been a tomgirl myself growing up I spent a lot of time with boys. We were always playing football, climbing trees, making home made bows and arrows, etc. I think this has been helpful to me as a mother, having a house full of girls, I still understand my one boy for the most part.

He does his usual pestering of his sisters which is where the majority of his getting into trouble comes from. This is why I decided we best channel some of that steam into being useful around the house, and leaving the girls to get their work done. This is how the chore of sweeping and picking up trash got it's beginnings for him.

Just yesterday Mikey crawled up in my lap and cuddled with me. As I looked at his face I noticed one of those sudden changes that had taken place, it's the kind that is expected but sometimes spring upon you rather suddenly. His face is looking even more handsome and grown up.

He can be sweet as pie at times, rubbing my feet while I read to the family at night, assisting one of the two youngest girl with needful things, and being compassionate toward his other sisters when they are truly hurt.

Faith is, as we call her, his older brother. We thank God that he gave Faith to Michael. While Faith bares her feminine side well, she's her brother's equal when it comes to rough housing. They do the most fighting and bickering with one another, but I just know that when they become adults they are going to be the closest.

I look forward to seeing what God will make of Mikey as Mikey submits his will to Him. I always have fun picturing what the girls will be like as teenagers horsing around in the kitchen while baking up some of Mom and Dad's favorite goodies. With Mikey as I picture him in his teenage years I see protector (after all he does have all of these sisters). Though I don't wish to rush the years, I look forward with joy in seeing what kind of man Mikey will become.


PS I'm having trouble posting those pictures with this blog. I will attempt to edit it tomorrow and include them in the blog.

PSS After another attempt at downloading the photos with no success I decided to post them in an album in my yahoo photos. Follow this link and look at the album titled Mikey


Anonymous said...

Nice mini-biograpy on Mikey. Just wish I could have seen his handsome little face close-up, rather than so far away in the pictures. He looks like such a little man working away!

Anonymous said...

All right, YOU - time for something new!!!!!!!