Tuesday, October 24, 2006

One Year Anniversary

I realized today that we have passed our one year anniversay for moving to this part of the country. October 22nd was our arrival date last year, and I have to say that the weather seemed much warmer last year. In fact today it is raining. Last year from the the day I arrived, it went at least three consecutive months without rain, and it was pretty nice.

I thought it would be nice to list the highlights of our life over the past year. Most people do this in a Christmas letter that they send out to friends and family, but I'm way to busy around Christmas time for that, and since this is the anniversary of our moving here, might as well do it now.

  • November 10th 2005----We were blessed with another beautiful baby girl, Katherine Elizabeth
  • Thanksgiving 2005 was spent at a friend's family, lots of good food, and horseback riding.
  • Christmas 2005 was spent at home with leftovers, that won't happen again this year.
  • In Spring of 2006 we purchased a camper to aid us in visits to family members and our military moves.
  • March 2006 A wonderful visit from my Friend Ellen from Manchester, NH
  • May 2006 We visited my family in Ranger, TX
  • June 2006 A visit from my mother in law, and we moved onto our 3/4 acre in our 4 bed 2 bath mobile home. We also acquired two milking goats.
  • July 2006 I became another year older, and our chickens arrived
  • September 2006 We started a new schooling using books I printed and bound myself
  • October 2006 Mike has been promoted to Seargent
  • November 2006 our youngest will turn one and our oldest will turn 10

I've decided to open up the website for all to see. It will take me too long to wait until it is completed. So please take a look around and enjoy reading what you can. The sections that are not completed are the book binding section, I will be adding more photos, and directions to complete the books. Also the craft sections are not quite complete yet. There are two areas that have nothing at all on them, I've yet to get in contact with the people I need to interview for those sections. If you have any questions about anything please give me an email at baabaamilker@yahoo.com

Since my website is free there are ads. I'm keeping an eye on them, but so far they haven't gotten out of hand.

View our Website at www.perryhowse.bravehost.com

Well I guess that is about it. Undoubtedly I have missed something, hopefully not. Hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving, Christmas, and a Happy New Year.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Amigo Air Show

Well Hello everyone. My apologies for being so long between posts but I really am trying to juggle a lot right now. Some things new, some things old just reocurring.

Let me say that I am in the middle of creating a website where I can share with others the wonderful resources I have found on the internet as well as share some know how of things that I've learned to do. I'm hoping to have that complete within the next couple of weeks so you all can come to visit the site. There will also be a blog there so that I can keep everyone updated from time to time.

This past Thursday Mike returned from a 3 week field excursion. Saturday he took us all to the Amigo Air Show on Biggs Army Airfield. We had a really good time. We have learned that umbrellas do a fantastic job of keeping off the sun as well as the rain. We didn't heed this until it was pretty much too late and we all ended up with quite a sun burn by time the day was over.

We got to see some pretty impressive shows like the Army's Golden Knights do a free jump from 12,000 ft. They have smoke canisters attached to one of their boots, blowing pink smoke so you can see all their twisting, turning, and formation that they do as they come down. They also displayed some of their tactics used in military combat, which was interesting.

We also saw the Black Daggers Special Forces Parachute team do a parachute free fall. They also did many neat stunts up in the air.

One of the amzing displays were the three planes the p-51 bomber (WWII), F-4 Phantom (Korean War), and the F-15 (Modern) flying in sync with one another. All three form a different era in our military history.

We got to see the latest in aerial military, the F/A-18 Hornet. Very impressive jet. We only got to see the flying power of this jet but I'm sure it is much more impressive in war.

We also saw the Canadian Snow birds perform sync formations with thier 8 planes. Although they did a nice job I've seen the Blue Angels do a better job.

We also saw a stunt performance of a man on the back of a motorcycle moving at speeds of around 100mph grab onto and ascend a latter into a moving plane, matching the speed of the motorcycle.

One of the neatest things that we saw was the jet truck. It has three built in jet engines. It can reach speeds over 300 mph. It raced one of the small planes, one flying and the other nearly flying. Had they managed to pull off the race the way they planed the truck would have won by far.

All in all we thoroughly enjoyed the show. I have some pictures posted at Amigo Air Show Photos . One of the photos listed there is of the Nasa 747 that carries the space shuttle from where it is built to where it is launched. They were allowing people to take a look around inside, but the line was too long for us to wait around for. We were dying of thirst and since they were charging $3.00 for a bottle of water we figured we get out of there and buy a gallon of water for cheaper than that. The size of this plane was very impressive though.


Saturday, September 23, 2006

The Weaker Vessel

There was just way to much to say about this topic to keep it in the comments section. An annonymous person has asked what this term means and having lived as the weaker vessel all my life and loving it, I felt compelled to answer the question.

A "weaker vessel" is a biblical term given to women, that does not mean what most people think. The term weaker vessel gives vissions of a woman who is supposed to completely do as her husband says, never having a right to an opinion. Also that she is inferior to him in every way, and therefore should subject herself to his dominance and tyranny. It may create visions in your mind of a woman who cowars in her husbands presence.

If the person who made that comment knows me very well they will know that anything but the above mentioned is true about me. With six children to train (yet another biblical word), educate, and bring up in the admonistion of the Lord I have no time to be week and without opinion.

At any given time I like to think of myself able to take Mike in a good wrestling match, at least I used to think I could. Voicing my opinion over issues is common unless the gauntlet has already been dropped. Though I'm more likely to cry over issues than my husband, I'm not easy given to tears.

In the above paragraph I've just explained the three ways that I'm inferior, yet I am not, to my husband. First would be physical. By all means Mike certainly has the stronger body if he choses to use it the way it has been designed. His body was by divine design meant for good hard work, and I'm certainly inferior to him when it comes to lugging shingles up on top of a roof. However my God given duty is by no means for a weakling. Bearing, and raising children is not something easy for a man to do, either physcially (obviously), or emotionaly. God did not design him to be strong in this way, but he did design me to be strong like this.

In our household Mike has the upper hand in the last decision. Sometimes nothing, anything, or everything I say my influence his final decision on a subject. Sometimes the last decision is left to me, but again he is the one who decides that. My opinion is taken into consideration, but I'm not the one who makes the final decisions on the path our family is to take in life.

It is well known that women are much more easily given to tears than men. For some this is more so than others. Some women will cry for reasons unkown, and often those who aren't given to tears easily will sometimes cry without knowing why. Other women are hard as a rock when it comes to crying, though I've met very few of these. While my training of the children leaves little room for off the cuff emotions there are times when I'll cry over circumstances that barely moves my husband emotionaly. Once again we were designed this way by God in order for us to be the affectionate mothers we were designed to be. Knowing our own tendencies to give over to emotions better enables us to understand the emotions of our children, and therefore making it possible for us to better tend to their emotional needs.

So in a sum of the questions posed here's my final unexpounded upon answer. We are weaker physicaly to withstand what may be required of a man, we are weaker in our ability to make good decisions because our emotions have a tendency to affect our decision, we are weaker emotionaly just exaclty as God has designed us, to be better mothers and caretakers of others hearts.

I'm by no means a perfect example of the weaker vessel, but anybody who may know me will know I do not exemplify the typical image that may appear in your head when you think of the term "Weaker Vessel". I consider it a priviledge to be the weaker vessel. I've never done anything more fulfilling in my life than bearing and raising children.

I have a little disclaimer that I would like to insert here. Because of the lack of training boys to be men there are way to many men that are the "weaker vessel". So my little article cannot be applied to all men.

Hope this helps to clear up why I call myself the "weaker vessel" and why the term by no means is putting myself down, rather it is a position of God given glory. If you have any more questions about it please feel free to ask. I love sharing information about what God has done for us, and why we are created as we are.


Tuesday, September 12, 2006

A Name Has Been Chosen

Just wanted to drop a quick note and let everyone know that a name has finaly been chosen for the little white kitty. We have chosen Alaska.


Friday, September 08, 2006


I'm changing the layout and look of my website. Mostly because I wanted to be able to share with others the great homeschooling tools I've found online. Also, because I wanted to get some permanent pictures of our family on the site. I'm beginning to think that what I need is a website, not a blog, and I haven't even finished adding my links yet. Actually, I have created a webwsite but haven't fine tuned it yet.

I'm working on figuring out computer talk (HTML), and if that can't be accomplished I'll go the easy route with a pre-existing template for the website. On the website there would be several different pages to view including photos, family, adventures, church, and of course a blog.

As I said though I'm in the process of getting that all figured out.


Thursday, August 31, 2006

Yes, We Are Still Alive!!

I've been thinking about writing a blog since my last posting. My time has been entirely consumed with reformatting, binding, and covering books for the kids this school year. I'm nearing the end now. My printing is finished, nearly all of the books are glued. What remains is mostly the covers to be put on. I'll be sure to take a few pictures when my "library" is complete.

We've had many things happen here since my last posting, which has been nearly a month. First of all our kitty Sandy could no longer refrain from taking a shopping trip to what Mike calls our second home, Walmart. We had no idea that she accompanied us on our trip, so as we dissapeared into the store she took a stroll through the parking lot. Since we had not predetermined a rendevous point, not knowing she would be coming along, she missed the bus. At least this is the best we can come up with about her dissapearance.

She has not one but two replacements. Once you get started with these little furrballs it's hard to live without one. Our friends were "cat sitting" a momma and her kittens when we visited and we were originaly going to only get one to keep Sandy company. Since Sandy's dissapearance we decided we'd get the other a wrestling buddy. So here is a picture of our kittens, Shadow and No Name. That's right we have not managed to come up with a name for him. We have however figured out a name of our pet tarantula but that's getting off the topic for the moment. Shadow and No Name are both boys. Some of the friendliest cats we've ever had were males, and since there was only one female in the litter we really didn't have much choice. They are once again holed up in Debbie's room until they are of a suitable age and size as not to be carried away by the numerous large birds that dwell here in the dessert. To name a few would be Mr. Raven, Mr. Hawk, Mr. Turkey Vulture, and Mr. Owl. Not having anything to hinder their site from seeing their prey puts the kittens in more danger than if they lived in wooded areas where these same large birds dwelt.

Oh by the way, the tarantula's name is Fuzzy. She can have quite the appetite at times. One day she consumed a 3" (including tail) lizard, a small toad, and the following day she consumed a cricket. No one, has of yet, been brave enough to hold her on their bare hand.

Mike has taken a trip to the field for the week once this month. This was in the middle of my book binding so this gave me a little extra time to get the books done, I thoroughly exhausted myself by staying up till my eyes couldn't stay open any longer, which usually fell around 2:00AM. Though some may find it strange the fulfillment of doing this that's exactly what it gives me. Putting hard work into my children period, wether education or otherwise is very fulfilling for me.

I can't wait to see them as they devour the reading material that I've created for them to use this school year. As it has one day after returning from the library they have read all of the books I got there. We usually bring home around 15 books at one time, minimum.

Another thing that has occurred during the past few weeks is that Katie has began to crawl. Within a week and a half after crawling she is now pulling herself up. I guess once she figured it out there wasn't much stopping her. I suppose by next blog I'll be writing about her walking, who knows.

I'll have to arrange to write another blog in the near future and try to catch up on the rest of what has happened lately. For not I just wanted to write a fairly short one, post a picture of the kittens, and let you all know that we are still alive here in the desert.


Friday, August 04, 2006


Slowly but surely I'm getting around to writing about all of the children. At this rate I might have a new one to right about (that's only a joke).

Lets talk about Mikey. In the photos you can see Mikey is pulling his share of the work around here. In these pictures he is shoveling rock into the wheelbarrel and unloading it at the end of our drive way, where we have found it to be quite muddy this time of year.

While the girls do their chores of cleaning on the inside, Mikey has a morning chore of sweeping off the porches and picking up any trash in the yard. He does a good job so long as Sandy, our kitty, doesn't distract him, which happens often.

Mikey is every bit of boy, and though at times it is bother some, thankfully God has given me an understanding about it. Having been a tomgirl myself growing up I spent a lot of time with boys. We were always playing football, climbing trees, making home made bows and arrows, etc. I think this has been helpful to me as a mother, having a house full of girls, I still understand my one boy for the most part.

He does his usual pestering of his sisters which is where the majority of his getting into trouble comes from. This is why I decided we best channel some of that steam into being useful around the house, and leaving the girls to get their work done. This is how the chore of sweeping and picking up trash got it's beginnings for him.

Just yesterday Mikey crawled up in my lap and cuddled with me. As I looked at his face I noticed one of those sudden changes that had taken place, it's the kind that is expected but sometimes spring upon you rather suddenly. His face is looking even more handsome and grown up.

He can be sweet as pie at times, rubbing my feet while I read to the family at night, assisting one of the two youngest girl with needful things, and being compassionate toward his other sisters when they are truly hurt.

Faith is, as we call her, his older brother. We thank God that he gave Faith to Michael. While Faith bares her feminine side well, she's her brother's equal when it comes to rough housing. They do the most fighting and bickering with one another, but I just know that when they become adults they are going to be the closest.

I look forward to seeing what God will make of Mikey as Mikey submits his will to Him. I always have fun picturing what the girls will be like as teenagers horsing around in the kitchen while baking up some of Mom and Dad's favorite goodies. With Mikey as I picture him in his teenage years I see protector (after all he does have all of these sisters). Though I don't wish to rush the years, I look forward with joy in seeing what kind of man Mikey will become.


PS I'm having trouble posting those pictures with this blog. I will attempt to edit it tomorrow and include them in the blog.

PSS After another attempt at downloading the photos with no success I decided to post them in an album in my yahoo photos. Follow this link http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/baabaamilker/my_photos and look at the album titled Mikey


A couple of days ago we were told that El Paso had made the news two days in a row on the the news in New Hampshire because of the flooding. Though our yard was a complete sheet of rain at one point we have trenches on our property dug to channel the water into ponding areas so it wasn't bad for us. However many areas in El Paso had homes that were flooded out. We saw video of some of the flooding and two of those big heavy business dumpster were picked up and hauled down the streets on the water. Some areas in Las Cruces New Mexico (about 35 minutes from us) and El paso, Texas (20 minutes from us) got their annual rainfal in one day.

It has been great for the kids. We take them to the ponding areas and let them hunt for toads and frogs. Our tarantula enjoys eating the little ones.

Here are some photos of a coming storm


Monday, July 31, 2006

Just had to share

I took this picture to send to the kids Grandfather but it came out so good just had to share it with you all.


Raining Toads and Tarantulas

Finally, it's raining like I thought rainy season should be. I guess you really can't expect much rain at one time when the entire season adds up to only 8". It's the funniest thing to actually see toads hopping across the road here in the desert, but just like New Hampshire, when it rains they come out. The tarantulas often get flooded out of their homes this time of year and can often be seen crawling around your yard, like our pet tarantula we have.

Saturday we had a good day. Finally we buthchered little Walnut. He was stealing all of my milk from his mama. Now she gives me a little bit over half a gallon twice a day. We went over to our friends house, the Stephenson's, and our two amatuer husbands did the buthering. They did an excellent job I might add. Butchering the goat was much easier than I expected (especially since I only supervised), and we plan on butchering our kids each year.

Muffy Stephenson found out the day before my birthday that it was coming up soon and determined to do something about it. She's a very giving and loving person and on Saturday she prepared a yummy mexican meal with green chilies. Then she prepared my favorite dessert, pecan pie, YUM!! On top of that she ordered 6 broilers for us as a birthday present. I couldn't ask for more, she's been a real blessing to me.

Mike took me out Yesterday for a birthday dinner, which is our usual present to one another for birthdays and mother/father's day. We dined at a Chinese restaurant and the food was delicious.

I took pictures of the butchering of the goat as a reference for those who are interested. Some of my friends are squeamish, won't mention a name, but it starts with Ellen. Others are curious creatures like myself and enjoy seeing how these things are done. So if you don't mind looking then please click on this link http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/baabaamilker/my_photos and look for the album titled Butchering Walnut.


Friday, July 28, 2006

Happy Birthday to Me!!!

Well today is my birthday, or my double birthday as the children would call it. I'm 28 on the 28th. Today for a present the girls are giving me a tea party, complete with Hello Dolly squares. I also received a gift in the mail from Moyers Chicks. Ok, so I did buy it, and I didn't intend it to be for my birthday. Nonetheless, these cute little fluffy furr balls came on my birthday. We are looking forward to getting fresh brown eggs from them sometime in December.

I've been very busy reformatting ebooks for printing and binding to use with school. It has been lots of fun but my bottom gets sore sitting here in this chair. I've been up til after 1:00AM, or until I can't hold my eyes open anymore working on this project. I know it will be so rewarding when these good wholesome books are sitting on our shelf ready for the kids to read. Besides I'm always looking for a new craft project and book binding had never crossed my mind before. In fact if it weren't for my friend Sue Forcier I don't know if I would have ever even give it a tid bit of a thought.

Sue binds her own books using the Robinson curriculum, which is rather an old fashioned method to homeschooling, and she, through email and digital pictures, has taught me how to do it myself. So far I've only printed a few out so I'm not quite ready for the binding part, but thanks to Sue I certainly feel capable of doing it.

Well hope you are all having a nice day on my birthday.



This time I'm going to write about Katie, as if you couldn't guess. Katie is now about 8 1/2 months old. I started Katie later than normal on baby food, as an experiment. She certainly didn't suffer from it, and it was much easier for her to start eating solid foods since she was more coordinated. She's only been eating them for about two weeks now.

Katie is on the brink of crawling. If she could just figure out how to move those chubby knees around once she has them under her she would be on her way.

She's very talkative. She says Dada and Mama. Though I don't believe she knows what she's saying somehow she manages to say Mama when she's crying for me. So only Katie really knows.

I bought this Johny Jump-Up for her to use in the barn while I'm milking. However we found we had less space than anticipated and so there's no room for it. It's worked out better for her to stay inside playing while she is still mostly immobile anyway. So we keep it in the house now and put her in it from time to time. She's the first of our children who has ever had one of these. She really isn't quite sure what to do with it. Rather than jump up and down as it is designed for, she spins herself around in circles winding up the rope, and then picking up her feet and whirling around. I guess there's more than one way to use it.

Katie reminds me in build of Faith. However she still has the darker hair like Becky and Leah. She has a very sweet personality. She responds well when being told no, which is very nice for me. I'm sure she might challege that a little more as she gets older but it's to be expected.

Oh, the last thing that I can think of concerning her babyhood is her teeth. This will be short since she doesn't have any right now.

Sorry I haven't a clue as to her weight. I've missed several appointments and so we need to play catch up with her shots now.

Stay tuned for another blog on another of the Perry children.


Monday, July 24, 2006

Fun Day

I have been asked if we made it to the horse back riding and swimming this last Friday. We did and I have pictures to prove it. See them here. http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/baabaamilker/my_photos Enjoy!


Friday, July 21, 2006


I have a challenge for those of you who like them. See if you can figure out how to balance 14-3" nails all on the head of one nail. I will post the answers in pictures in a week or so.


Thursday, July 20, 2006

Poll Answer

The answer to this weeks poll was 13 seconds.



Ok, I finally have a few moments to do this. Today a friend of mine here in Chaparral with 7 kids called and reinvited me to a kids Bible time that another lady who has 9 children was having at her house here in Chaparral. So with our six, Stephenson's seven, another families 9, and yet another families 6, and a few visiting kids, we had quite a crew. I had forgotten that they were having this event this week and didn't feel much inclined to go anyway not really knowing the hosting family very well. We enjoyed going today though, and will be going tomorrow. There will be a hot dog cookout, horse back riding, and swimming tomorrow.
Anyway, onto the subject of this blog, Becky. Becky turned 7 on June 11 of this year. She has been reading very well since she was six. Lately if you are looking for Becky you will find her in one of various positions either on the couch or the chair with a good book. Within an 1/2 hour reading period she will have been in 10 different positions or more. I have to often remind her to keep modest as she gets herself into the positions absent mindedly. Both Debbie and Becky have shown such interest in books, I wish I had the resources to get them some different ones but that will come.
Becky is getting to be such a big help around the house as well. She accomplishes the tasks of washing and drying dishes, sweeping the floors, and some mild cleaning with ease. She's been folding clothes with Debbie since she was five. Her usual job in the laundry department is to fold and put away.
Becky has become very fond of Leah lately, I guess a she's developing her motherly instinct. She will often keep Leah under her wing, making sure she has everything that she needs and is having fun as well. She tries to help with Katie but since carrying Katie is much more of a lump than carrying than Leah it's more of a chore for her. Sometimes I may need her to carry Katie for short distances, but mostly she helps by holding her at times when I may not be available, or providing some interesting toys and fun play.
She and Debbie have on a few occassions made cookies all by themselves. Both of them very much looking forward to Daddy's approval of their taste. Perhaps if possible I will allow one or the other of them to enter some baked good into the local fair.
Becky always has the sweet smile when she is happy, and the saddest face when she gets into trouble, which is few and far in between anymore. She's our blue eyed brown haired beauty. We love our Becka!!!

Mom (Denise)


Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Great Idea

I had an idea sometime during the day today about how to post more pictures of the kids. I think I will do a blog about each one each day, until their done, with a picture of them. To start on Thursday.


New Pictures of Kids

Ok, I've been good at taking pictures of the kids, but still haven't taken them of the house yet. Today we made homemade bread and I finished up Becky's jumper. Debbie and I have also been working on knitting some dishclothes. The ones we have are starting to fall apart.

Too see the new pictures of the kids visit this website http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/baabaamilker/my_photos and view the file Kids 7/19/06.

I will add more as I find them in the right poses from time to time, and I'll let you know when I post them.


Monday, July 17, 2006

Farm Addition

We've added a new member to our farm, albeit this one will be added to the inside farm. Last night when Mike was preparing the items he needed for work today he noticed that Sandy was playing with something. He found the above pictured animal, which I'm sure everyone is knows what it is, but just in case not it's a trantula. We haven't found out exactly what type of tarantula this is ( hopefully not a Goliath Birdeater) but we'll be checking it out. This tarantula is about the size of a golf ball including it's legs.
Yes, us crazy homeschooling Perry's plan on keeping the critter, yes, inside. My mom never would have allowed this, but my Mom was not a homeschooler, and I find the creatures God created fascinating myself.
So we will get him/her a proper container for all to view, rather than the milk jug we currently have it in. Eventually it will also have a name. We've also found out the proper way of taking care of it after some research on the internet.
We thought we had lost Sandy when we couldn't find her for a day and a half. Last night Mike finally found her in the shed. She snuck in when the door was open and then had the door closed on her. It's gets over a hundred here during the daytime, and it was a metal shed that she was in, so you can only imagine how hot it got in there. We figure she's down to five of her nine lives now, and she's still so young.
My apologies about the pictures of the house. My rechargeable batteries died on me, and until I did some real digging (like in my camera case) to find some throw away batteries I thought I had none. That's why I haven't made an effort. No promises but I'll try to get it done today. Right now I'm working on making a new car seat cover that we've had since Debbie was little. We'll see what's on the agenda after that.
By the way the one of the two hooligans playing with their tongues is not the new critter, just thought I'd clarify that.


Tuesday, July 11, 2006

9 Lives

Yesterday when Mike arrived at work, after a 20 minute drive he found Sandy laying on top of his battery. We figure Sandy is testing the truth of the 9 lives for kitties. Once he finished up some morning work there he had to drive her alway the way back home. She can't be making a habit of this or she might just become the motorpool (the place where Mike works) kitty.


Friday, July 07, 2006

Kittie Story

I forgot to add a cute little story about our kitten, Sandy, whom we believe to be between two and three months old.

Last night while we were getting ready to go to church we checked to see if Sandy was in her usual hiding place under our van. Sure enough she was. Mike started up the van expecting it would spook her out from underneath of it. He checked to see if she was gone and he couldn't see her anywhere underneath there. After we had driven about half an hour and were nearly to church Debbie stated that she thought she heard a cat meowing.

When we finaly arrived after the 40-45 min. drive there while it was raining sure enough if there wasn't meowing coming from underneath the van. I got down and found that Sandy our kitten had hitched a ride through rain and all on our spare tire mount. I wonder if she will ever do that again?


Rainy Season

Well the rainy season has come. Yes, we do get rain here, but only during a certain time of the year known as monsoon season. This rainy season lasts July and August. During this period of time we get approx. 8in. of rain. This is the sum total rainfal average of the year for this area.

Yesterday, Muffy, a friend of mine who lives here in Chaparral came over for a visit. While they were here we could see looking west a large wall of rain, that appeared to be coming our way, but it never seems to get past the mountains. At 5:00PM Mike came home and that the intersection of two roads he has to come through to get home was totaly flooded over. Around 6:45 we headed out to church and the "flood zone" had moved closer to our house and that intersection he had to swim through was now dry.

So what had actually occured was that it rained sheets of water on the mountains which ran down our direction flooding out the road, and then it just kept coming this way flooding out mail boxes and other side dirt roads. Eventualy it does all sink into the sand but it can take a while to do that.

As long as the clouds have the sun covered the temperatures are nice, about high 60's, the rain is nice and cool, and the humidity is bearable. If the sun does come out though the humidity rises and our swamp cooler doesn't do anything but blow air around. Everything feels so sticky when the sun comes out and the humidity is high. I have to admit that it is nice to see rain though.


Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Fine Tuning

There were a couple of things that made our house a little difficult for a family our size. First of all the closet space is very minimum. There is no coat, storage, or linen closets. The cabinet space wasn't very large either.

Initially the dining room, which is a good size, had carpet in it. Those of you who have or have had small children would be able to testify that carpet in the dining room just doesn't work. So We requested for them to put down linoleum. That has been completed, and they did a good job. There was no light in the dining room, not sure why, so we fixed something up for that. It's nice now being able to see what we eat.

Mike also built some shelves to go into an area that looked like it used to be the pantry. Eventualy we hope to put some doors on it, for now I can plainly see what I have available to cook with.

I'm still working on pictures of the outside and other areas of the house.

Today Mike is building us a front and back porch since they only left us a temporary set of stairs. In New Hampshire it is unlawful not to have a permanent set of steps in front of your house, not so here. In New Hampshire you are required to have railings on your stairs, not so here. There are a lot of differences, which makes it easier on the budget of the buyer when you don't have to include all the extras. I like being able to use a temporary set of stairs if I choose too without being told I can't, but on the other hand being able to upgrade it to a nicer porch if we so choose.

There were a lot of do it yourself projects that didn't require someone licensed to do it. Like connecting your water pipes from the source to the house. Connecting your sewer from the tank to the house. Since this is an area that we've never ventured into before we decided to let someone who knew that they were doing do it for us. However Mike will be running out our grey water from the house onto the ground to water trees, garden, etc. if we ever get any. This is another thing that is unlawful in New Hampshire. It only makes sense to do it here since it is so dry.

I will attempt to get more pictures of our house as soon as is possible.

Picture one is of the shelves Mike built for our pantry. Picture two is the dining room before the light was installed.
Picture three is of the installation nearly complete.


Monday, July 03, 2006

Poll Results

Ok, the answer of the "Pick my Favorite Color" poll is Lilac. The two people closest to me got the correct answer. My best friend Ellen, and my husband.


PS Pictures of the house to come soon.

Friday, June 30, 2006

Looking Better

Within the next couple of days Sandy will be going outside to be with the goats. She isn't happy anymore all cooped up inside Debbie's room. Besides Debbie's and Faith's allergies are really kicking in, wheezing, coughing, sneezing, and stuffy noses.

We've plumped her up a bit, given her lots of time and attention, lots of good food and goats milk. Now it's time to see if any of that means anything to her and she'll decide to stay around. Just in case we don't have the opportunity to see her around again, I took these photos just a few minutes ago. Thought I'd share them with you all.


Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Goat pics

I finally got around to taking pictures of the goats. I had to wait until they were all out and about. I also had to wait until the least friendly one would be comfortable enough not to run away if I got too close.

The one in front in this picture is named Sassy (previously named), and we just call her Sass for short. The others name is Tapestry (also previously named).

Tapestry is very friendly, she was a bottle baby, so she has no fear of us. Sassy on the other hand was not a bottle baby, and on top of that she has her own baby she is nursing right now making her doubly suspicious of us. However out of all of the alpines available to choose from she had the best looking udder, and most amount of milk to offer, even with a baby on her.

As long as I bring her baby into the milk room with her she will stand and milk fine for me, but if he isn't there she will only bellow and look for him. Sometimes he (by the way his name is Walnut, Wal for short) will not be paying attention and doesn't notice that Sass has gone into the milk room until she starts to bellow for him. It can be quite a chore getting them both organized and ready for milking. On the other hand goats are creatures of routine, and once they understand my routine they will both know what to do.

Wal will eventually become dinner, and then all of Sass's milk will go into our bellies. The exciting part about having goats is when you breed them and seeing what comes out. We will be using a Nubian buck that our friend has, so crossing the three breeds should produce some interesting babies.

You can see more pictures of them by following this link http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/baabaamilker/my_photos and looking in the "Goat Pics" file. I will also be adding new photos to the "Goat Barn" file that were taken the day before the goats came.


Monday, June 26, 2006


We brought home our goats last night. The drive was an 8 hour round trip to central New Mexico. We had to travel that far to find some good goats. After doing a search in the local area I found few who had dairy goats to begin with, and those that did didn't take good care of them. The situation that I bought the goats from this time was much like my first goats experience. This lady has 100 goats, she is starting a dairy, but not operational yet, and really has too many to handle.

I had several to pick from but only found two suitable for our needs which is quantity of milk. We ran into a situation we hadn't planned on but in the long run we think it will be fun. One of the goats has a two week old buckling on her. However she produces way more than he needs so there is enough for us to have also.

One is an Alpine, the other is a Lamancha. Both are nice looking goaties and we are looking forward to their milk and their babies. Together they gave me 1/2 gallon this morning.

Until I get some pictures posted of them you can view what the two breeds look like by going to this site http://www.ansi.okstate.edu/breeds/goats/ and using the alphabetical listings find their breeds.


Friday, June 23, 2006

More of Sandy

Here's another picture I took of Leah and Sandy today. Leah is really into baby mode, in the sense that she carries around a baby doll that's not all that much smaller than she is, and she takes very good care of her baby. Sandy is just like a live little baby for Leah.



Two days ago I sent Debbie and Becky outside to fill up a container with water since I had workers laying linoleum on my floor in the kitchen and the container was too large to fit under the faucet in the bathroom. Debbie promplty returned with this kitten. She was so pathetic sounding and looking. She could barely meow, and was very lethargic. She was dehydrated and looked malnourished as well. She had no strength or will to try and climb out of our little home we made for her in a plastic container. I gave her water right away and she drank and drank.

I called some friends of our who has a goat milking and asked for some. By that night she was trying to climb out of the plastic tub. By the next day she accomplished climbing out, and today she is playing like a little kitten should.

We decided to call her Sandy since when we found her she had sand all over her face, also her tail and the tips of her ears are the color of sand. Sandy is dining on kitten chow and goats milk, we expect she'll be plumping up soon. She'll soon become an outside cat, as soon as I get some wormer in her to make sure she is healthy on the inside.

The picture taken of her was only minutes after Debbie found her.


Monday, June 19, 2006


I took this picture tonight as the sun was setting, this is the view we have of the sunset right outside of our living room windows. Today the sunset was peculiar because we have a few clouds in the sky, and the wind is blowing, kicking up sand. Just thought I'd share these photos of the view from our new home.


We're Back

Well we are moved into our new place. There are still some outside items that remain on post. We have until July 6th to be totaly out, so we are taking our time getting everything over here. In the mean time we are working on making the house more convenient for a family our size. The biggest thing lacking here is the storage space. The only closets are the ones in the bedrooms. We have many projects going right now.

My hands have been too busy unpacking boxes and keeping up with the regular house duties to take any pictures. However I thought I'd post this picture I took right before we moved in. It was actually a very common day around here, but I just happened to be here for it. We were having a dust storm when these pictures were taken from the front of our house.

Denise Perry

Monday, June 05, 2006

6 mo. old Katie

Katie had her six month pictures taken today. I went to Sears this time, and was so much more pleased with them than with Walmart. Found a great coupon so it didn't cost that much more than Walmart. The personality of the lady was great, she was very imaginative. For instance if you view the photo album I'm going to include a link to you will see Katie sitting in a wagon surrounded by bears, the photographer set the pose so that it looked as though Katie were riding down a hill. As always it's hard to pick the right photo for the package, that's why I had Grammie here to help me. We chose the picture of Katie on her belly to bring home. In the mean time I have the others to email, or print out on my home computer.

Hope you all enjoy!!


View them here http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/baabaamilker/my_photos?urlhint=actn,del%3as,1%3af,0 under the same title as this blog.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Official Opening

Today was our official opening of Faith Baptist Church in El Paso. Though there are many wrinkles we need to get ironed out, we have made it known to the public that the church exists. Today was the usual day of the Rinka's (the Pastor's family), the Perry's, and the Healey's. We did have two out of state visitors. Mrs. Perry (Mike's mom) and Mrs. Rinka's mother. We took some pictures of our families all together, and some individual. See them here under the same title of my blog. http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/baabaamilker/my_photos


Coming Along

Things are coming along with the house. It is now in place and buttoned up on the outside. There is still work on the inside that needs to be done, and I think that will be the slowest in progress. We now have water and sewer connected to the house and the gas line is in the ground. The electric man will be there tomorrow to connect the house from the pole to the house. I will then have to visit both the gas and electric companies so they can send out "meter men" to attach the meters and official start service for us. Unforunately there is not swamp cooler on the house yet, so it gets quite warm inside.

Mike is coming along very well on the goat barn. He is doing such a nice job and made a nice little barn with a hay loft for me. It should hold quite a few bales of hay. I have pictures of the barn as it is being built. I also have pictures of the house as it was brought in, blocked and leveled. Please visit them at this site http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/baabaamilker/my_photos under the album names "Coming Along" and "Goat Barn".

My mother in law is here with us and will be helping with the packing. We are planning on moving into the home, wether finished or not on the 10th.


Sunday, May 28, 2006

Against Nature

We just spent Friday and Saturday out on our property trying to build our new goat barn. We were able to get the foundation, floor, and walls put together. Home Depot didn't have in stock the metal roofing we needed so we won't be able to complete the job till the rest of our order comes in. We did, however, get a healthy start on it. Would you believe I forgot my camera? So I have no pictures at this time. We will be heading back out there tomorrow so I will bring it with me.

While there we had some not so kind weather to work with. The usual for around here. Mike says it really reminds him of Iraq. The temperatures averaged around 100 and the wind blew till we were all covered from head to foot with sand. We even had sandy boogers (I finally got the spelling right!!!). Two days with no shower, same clothes, standing nearly constant outside in 100 degree temps, and covered in sand. We were so glad to get in last night and get cleaned up to go to church tomorrow.

We did move the camper out onto the property to keep the baby in. Mike rented a generator since there is not power out there yet, and that kept the necessities going. The A/C and refrigerator were the most important. Of course having the convenience of a potty was also nice for the kids.

I think I've mentioned before that I sleep terribly for the first few nights I camp in a new spot. Out on our new property was no different. The generator and the A/c normaly make so much noise I think I would have gotten by with a decent nights sleep if they had stayed on. However, we were having a little trouble keeping the generator going and about 1:00AM it stopped. At that time it was cool enough that we didn't need it, so Mike opened up a few windows instead. Around 3:00AM the coyotes started up again, their howls sounding like the high pitched "yips" of Pomeranian dogs. When the coyotes got started all the dogs in the neighborhood joined them. Then somebody decided to make a drag run down the street, stopping at a house somewhere. Most of the streets here are straight and flat, really they are tempting to cut out on and see how fast you can get going, but do you have to do that so early in the morning? At this point I figured that I would just stay awake, cast my eyes to the east and watch the sun rise. I watched and watched. Seemed like it was dawn for forever and yet the sun was never coming up. Just before it did rise I fell back to sleep.

We are having to build with some obstacles of nature in mind. The first one being the winds there. While in New Hampshire you have to build keeping the snow load in mind, here you must always keep in mind the wind load. The fella who will be installing the 5ft. chain link fence all around our property told us that one year they had 95mph sustained winds come through that area. Our direct neighbor had installed one of those cheap metal sheds for storage. The wind picked it up and sat it down in the neighbors yard but not before taking out the shared chain link fence in the mean time. I said to myself when he was telling this story "oh, no". As he spoke to us there say, still in package (so he had no idea) our cheap metal shed, yet to be built. We'll be taking extra precautions with it to keep it on the ground. Again he said that the winds were bad enough that they tore the roof off of it, then picked the whole thing up and turned it over. His stories went on and on about the damage that wind can do out there.

The next battle against nature has more to do with the farm animals than anything else. Those coyotes are gonna be a real problem with mostly our chickens but our goats too. They would love to chew on leg of goat. Really the best protection for them would be to get a llama. Llamas take on goats as their babies and will protect them to death. The coyotes would mess with an animal that big. Also llamas don't eat much at all, and they provide hair/wool that I could spin. I'm not sure how much they run around here though. Otherwise we are going to have to do some fence burying. We were told that electric fencing doesn't work here mostly because the air is too dry and the wires cannot conduct the electricty, otherwise this would be our choice of trying to keep bad critters out and good ones in.

While we were building there several people stopped by to say hi and chat. First of all the fencing guy. He was working on someone else's fence behind us and decided to come have a chat. He was so nice and went out of his way to install and temporary water faucet so we could get fresh water. Chaparral's water was voted the third best tasting water in the country (and El Paso is trying to get it too). Then another fella stopped by praising the fact that a husband wife team were working together to build. He said he and his wife built their house together, he seemed like a real nice guy also.

The next one needs a whole new paragraph to explain since it is so interesting the way it came about. The next person who stopped was a lady that Mike has met before but I never have. This lady also became aquaintances with the Mitchell's. Here's how Mike initially met her. After my delivery with Katie I stayed in the hospital for a couple of days. One day the doctor came in and said I saw a bunch of kids down in the lobby, those aren't yours are they? For some reason I remember Mike not being able to come at that moment but sometime later, so I knew they weren't mine. However Mike did come during the time that family was still in the lobby. Which of them spoke up first I'm not sure, but there is always a kindred spirit when large families spot one another, especially when both are Christian, since we are a minority. So this is how Mike met this family. I have no idea what their last name is. However the wife's first name is not easy to forget, it's Muffy. I guess Becky Mitchell had been keeping in touch with Muffy and letting them know that we were moving out to Chaparral, which also happens to be where Muffy's family lives. So when Muffy happened to drive by and saw the 12 passenger van the idea popped into her head that it could be us.

She hopped out and asked us if we were the Perry's. I was able to get aquainted with her and find out where she lives. They also have goats, chicken, and 7 children, and her husband is military. So the Lord has provided a source of fellowship for us there in Chaparral, NM.

Also our friends the Salzman's, they were courious to see where we lived. So while out on a "date" (they have six children), they decided to drive by the area and stopped in for a chat.

Then a Mexican couple who are neighbors on a road next to ours stopped by. Their motives were much more than neighborly though. I guess she sells home decor products and wanted to know if I would need anything like that. Her husband seemed to be pushing the products more than she. They were, however, a very nice couple.

So we've been welcomed to the neighborhood already, even by the coyotes who serenaded us on Friday night.

One more thing I wanted to add was that the entire land is loaded with goat's head thorns. The children have already become used to them and I found Mikey twice walking barefoot. The thorns have popped all of the children's bike tires. We will now be looking into purchasing the all rubber tubes for their tires. At $15 a tube, times two tubes for each bike, times five bikes, that could get expesive. We'll have to buy them a little at a time maybe. We will also have to keep the floor vacuumed a lot since those things come in on your shoes and deposit themselves in the carpet. Little Katie will be crawling around soon and I'd hate to see her get them in her hands. I'm enclosing a link to view particulars about goats head thorns if you are curious enough.

This is a good site for a description and pictures of it. http://www.goatheads.com/goatheads.html


Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Teaching them Young

Katie is on the way to sitting up. She kept herself entertained with a catalog for Blair which sells womens clothing. I got a kick out of some of the pictures of her and thought I'd share them. See the pictures of her here http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/baabaamilker/my_photos

I almost always title the photo album and the blog that goes with it the same. So when you get to where my albums are just look for the album that has the blog title.


Preparation to Move

Most folks would think of preparing to move by packing boxes and such. I guess for me that is what I'm thinking of right now, but not Mike. He begins his preparing to move by building. We are hoping to get some goats when we get to our new place. I guess you can kind of say we are pretty excited and anxious to get them. So Mike built in a day and a half the milk stand for our goats. You can see pictures of it here http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/baabaamilker/my_photos

His next building project is much bigger and should be taking place this weekend, that is if he can make it (ha, ha). His new job is making him pretty tired right now. The bigger job will be to build the house for the goats and the chickens. The temps have been in the high 90's right now and there is no shade anywhere on our property, so it isn't really going to be much fun for him to build it, but he is excited about it. He plans on taking the camper out there and using it for shade, and the fridge inside of it to keep cold water. I'll try and remember to take pictures (usually isn't a problem for me).


Thursday, May 18, 2006

Wisdom Teeth

Well I made it through all right. So far as I can tell everything went ok. It really didn't take long, but then again, how can I judge that since they did put me out with a drug that causes temporary amnesia. I had the operation at about 9:30 this morning and it is now about 2:20 in the afternoon. I'm getting to be a little sore in the teeth and jaw area, but otherwise I'm really not experiencing any pain. I'm so glad. I had myself set up for the worst of it.
Anyway here are the four that they took out. Normally they are not allowed to give them to you by law. She made an exception for me since as the patient I did make a specific request for them. I did it more because Becky just lost her two front teeth, and she was interested in seeing what mine looked like.
In the picture to the left you can the offensive tooth. This is the one that has been causing me pain for a few years. First it started off as being painful only when I ate something really sweet, then just before I gave birth to Leah it would cause me a lot of pain when I went to drink something. After I had Leah the pain went away, but not before a rotten piece of it had broken off. About four days before I went in to have these removed another section of this tooth had broken off. The problem with this is that this particular tooth was not growing down but out toward the cheek. So everytime it broke off it kept getting sharper and my cheek had to grow a callus for it. Now looking at it I can see just how bad it really was, and no wonder it was giving me head and neck aches.
Well I just wanted to share these pictures with you. For those of you who prayed for me, I appreciate it, and looks like the Lord took good care of me.


Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Facing The Facts

I've had to face the facts, and come to the realization that based upon our circumstances right now I'm not going to be able to write the blogs the way that I want to. It looks as though we are going to be moving to Chaparral New Mexico around the first of June, and on the 18th of May I'm having all four of my wisdom teeth taken out. So between the two upcoming events I doubt I'll be able to do much blogging, certainly not the way I had planned concerning the short vacation we took. So I'm going to do my best to sum up the vacation and put the rest of the pictures into one album labeled "Vacation" for you all to see.
Fishing-we did a lot of fishing while we were on our vacation. We tried Lake Leon, Lake Hubbard, and even the small pond at the RV park we stayed at, but all we caught were little bitty things. Finaly when we decided to fish in the pond at the RV park we kept what we caught and cooked them up anyway. On our last day that we could fish there we decided to try a place that we went to when I was a kid, and we have heard that there has been some good fishing out there. It's park of Lake Leon but it's at a place called LaMancha. It's like a small zoo there with peacocks, bison, ostrich, etc. They have a boat dock there that sticks fairly far out into the water, and it can house up to six boats. Most of the time nobody uses it as a boat dock, but it is used as a fishing dock. I've heard it's about 35 ft. deep there so you only need to drop your line, you don't need to cast. You do have to pay $2 each to fish there though, which isn't bad so long as you do catch something.
So we went to the boat dock to give it a try. Mike is determined to catch him a southern fish that outweighs the one I caught when I was 12. I caught a 26lb. catfish at the spillway of the dam that year. While there I spent most of my time making sure Leah didn't fall in since she is so clumsy and at an age that she isn't afraid of much. The rest of the kids did alright and spent a good deal of time fishing. Mikey spent more time reeling in and casting again till he busted his bobber than fishing. We hadn't caught anything worth keeping when we decided to pack it up and head back to the camper. Mike was banking on coming back again at night while the kids and I slept. He would be taking Pawpaw (Loyd) with him. As we were packing up the van to leave, we heard quite a commotion going on down by the dock, and when I heard Debbie screaming and crying at the same time and yelling Mikey's name the picture of what had just happened was as clear as day in my mind. Thankfully there were a couple of other young fellas down there fishing, and they fished out Mikey too. Mikey wasn't in the least bit phased by it all, in fact he felt mighty proud of himself and showed how he was paddling to stay up. This is a time when you aren't sure if you should be mad at them or just thankful that you didn't loose them.
On the same topic a couple of days later Mikey came in asking for a piece of toilet paper to get a buger out of his nose, shortly there after I noticed it was bleeding. I figured he must have just been too rough with himself. Later on that day I saw his nose was running so I went to wipe it, at which time he protested with crying saying that it hurt. After a closer examination I saw that he has pushed a rock up inside of his nose. Mike had to break off all of the tines but one on a plastic fork to dig the rock out of hiw nose. Both Mike and I had a good laugh over that one.
After leaving Ranger we headed up to Amarillo to visit my brother, while visiting we stayed in the Palo Duro Canyon State Park. The place where you hook up your camper is actually located at the bottom of the canyon, which I've heard is about a 1000 ft. deep in some places. This is recorded as being the last battle grounds with the indians. While staying there we met many friendly widlife. There were the turkeys who came around every morning, you could hear the toms calling to their hens, and they would get quite close to you. Then there were the dear, though we never saw any bucks, there seem to be plenty of does. There is a picture of Mike and dear to show just how close they would let you get to them. Then at night, or I should say early morning, the Coyotes decided to act as alarm clocks. I never thought a coyotes would sound like a little fluff ball pomeranian puppy, but they did. We enjoyed our stay there.
On our way back home we only had one incident that was interesting. It ocurred on I-70 near Roswell, NM. The story as Mike heard it from an eyewitness goes as follows. A small car driving at approx. 120mph was driving on the wrong side of the road, into oncoming traffic. The car was headed straight for a Walmart 18 wheeler. When the Walmart truck tried to change lanes to avoid hitting the little car, the little car also changed lanes, still aiming for the Walmart truck. The Walmart truck tried to veer off of the road to the left, all the while the little car was still honed in on the truck. The Walmart truck ended up on the opposite side of the highway in the barditch, but not before having a head on collision with the little car. I'm not good at math but the little car going 120mph and the truck going 70-75mph equals death. The truck driver thankfully walked away from it all. The car on the other hand was so totaled if it wasn't for the headlight still attached you would have never know what it was. There were engine and car parts strewn all across the road, and the firefighters had to do a thorough search for body parts just off of the right side of the highway. Even after the ambulance left with "the body" the firefighters were checking the dunes over for more parts. The best anyone can figure was that it was a suicide. Thank God we were not a 1/2 hour earlier, we too could have been a part of that.
Well that's the sum of our vacation. Hope you enjoy seeing all of the pictures that go with it.



P.S. That night when Mike went back fishing he returned to the camper at 3:00AM with 63 good size fish to clean, we still have some in the freezer. One other note I wanted to add was that the house I wrote about in my blog is not the house we are moving into. I hope that I can take pictures and write more about our new house soon.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Rain and Thunderstorms

When we left El Paso on Friday April 28th heading for Ranger we had the typical El Paso weather. Sunny, hot, and windy. As we got closer to the center of the state things began to change drastically. At one point when we were driving we were dodging all of the thunderstorms but you could see them as they surrounded us on three sides. In my photo album you will find a picture of a bright cloud surounded by darker ones. In real life it was a fasicnating sight to see the dark clouds part and show this bright yellow cloud.
We hit Abilene, which is about an hour from my home town, and decided to grab some dinner. Once we got inside the thunderstorms we were managing to stay one step ahead of caught up to us. It was pouring outside. Normally rain is not that big of a deal, and I may even consider it a trouble from time to time, but after living in El Paso for 7 months and never seeing more than a dribble here and there, it was nice to see rain again.
In fact we got our fill of seeing rain because the whole time we were in Ranger (my home town) we had a thunderstorm every night but one. We did enjoy the rain. The only trouble we had with it was that Debbie, Becky, and Faith's shoes were tearing apart so they all had holes through which the wetness entered. In that part of Texas the soils have a lot of clay, again the opposite of here, which is a lot of sand. So the combination of clay soil and water sure did make their socks a mess.
We didn't see the end of rain until the day we left Amarillo. We spent 7 days in Ranger, and left on that 7th day to Amarillo to see my brother, where we spent two days. When we arrived in Amarillo it was pouring. It was so nice for them because they had been very dry, and had previously had a lot of grass fires. The first place that we drove up to was the desk at Palo Duro State Park, and the park rangers were outside taking pictures of the rainbow, they had such big smiles on their faces since they had only been getting the rain that day.
While Mike was making arrangements for our camping spot I got out my camera and tripod and took a few pictures of the rainbow(s) myself. You can visit them in my photo album, I will include a link at the end of this blog.
I think next time I will post a blog about the fishing that we did, which occurred just as often as the rain we got in Ranger. So keep a look out for an email to read the next blog.



Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Visit with Family

We took off on a last minute vacation to visit with my family, that is what's left of them, in Ranger TX. We were gone from Friday April 28 I believe, until Sunday May 7th. I've look forward to the visit for several years now. I think, since most of my family is now deceased, that I'm more attached to the town itself. After visiting in Ranger we went up to visit my brother in Amarillo whom I haven't seen in over ten years now. It was all so nice, and I have lots of pictures to share with you all. I decided since I have so many topics to write about that I would do one blog at a time focused on a certain subject. That subject will be covered and will not necessarily be in the order that they occured. So be sure to check back next time to read about "Rain and Thunderstorms".


Tuesday, April 25, 2006

This maybe our new home.

We had viewed this home before but things seemed kind of dim for financing it, so we put it out of our minds for the present, and thought to go the cheaper route, which was moving onto the Mithchell's land. However when we took our Pastor and his family, who are also looking for a home in the area, out to see this place our desire to live there was renewed. Mike completely forgot that he had told me to forget pursuing this house, and when the Pastor asked us why it was that we didn't buy it, Mike turned to me with such a quizzical look on his face, and had to ask me that question.

So Mike let me loose on the trail of research, and things are looking better for us to be able to buy this house. Though the house is a 28x76 double wide, it is the double wide we dreamed about living in during our search for our first home. This is the kind of double wide that you walked into and just thought about what you could do with all the space, then walked back out knowing you where stepping back out into reality.

The walls are not your typical post board, they seem to be sheetrocked, with almost like a stucco paint on them. The doors are defintely a better quality than in most mobile homes. The amount of space is phenominal to us, at least doubling any home, or apartment, that we have every lived in. It has four bedrooms, and two full baths. It also has a very open floor plan with two living room areas, and a very open dining and kitchen. To be honest I'm not sure that I have enough stuff to fill all the cabinets in the kitchen. I guess in time I will. It has really great closet space. It also has a nice patio entrance to the front door, and a nice large covered deck to the back door.

The land itself is not much to sneeze at since it is the desert, but it is potentialy already set up to handle a pair of goats, and a handful of chickens. It is out in the country, away from the busy city, and there are lots of open lots that have not houses on them.

There is a bit of clean up we need to do but with us all working together it really shouldn't take us that long.

This seems like the idea place for our family. We are waiting to see if God will work it out for us. I have more pictures of the home and the land here http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/baabaamilker/my_photos under "New Home". I know that they will not give a very good picture of how the house is laid out, and they will probably all seem the same after a while. If I can I'll ask Mike if he can draw out a floor plan I can post so that everyone can get a better idea of how the house is laid out.

Hope you enjoy seeing the photos though, and be sure to post a quick comment if you have the time, we would love to hear from you all.


Monday, April 24, 2006

Our Little Spud

Little Kate is starting to really give a try to rolling over. I helped her out a little today. When I got down on the floor and scooted closer to her she rolled over onto her side and reached out for me. When I gave her my finger she used that as leverage to pull herself over. The first look on her face when she rolled all the way over onto her belly was comical. To her she had just discovered a whole new world.

We went back and forth working on rolling from front to back and visa versa. It wore her out pretty quickly and she decided to lay down for a nap, giving me this time to write up a blog and post her picture. See more pictures of her in my yahoo photo albums here. http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/baabaamilker/my_photos

I look forward to her crawling with mixed feelings. I know all too well now what kind of mischief she can get herself into once she gets going, but it would be nice to have a baby who would get up and go faster than Leah did. The floors here are all tile. We do have some area rugs down but they don't supply a whole lot for cusion. I guess she will toughen up to it though.


Saturday, April 22, 2006

Visit to the Farm

Today we went to visit a farm of a family that I met through one of my online goat groups. It was nice to make contact with someone in the area that has goats. It seems to be hard to make contact with people around here with like interests, I think it has to do with it being bi-cultural.

These folks live on 77 acres over looking the Transmountains, Ellen should remember these mountains as being the ones that you can drive up into and over look the city of El Paso and Juarez, Mexico. They have 90 horses, approx. 30 goats of various breeds (some milking kind others meat kind), so many dogs I was wondering which numbered more, the horses or the goats, some llamas, and a few donkeys.

We had a nice visit with them, got to pet plenty of horses, feed the goats pecans, pet the llamas, and the kids helped to prepare the horses feed. They were helpful with information about a few places around to get hay and grain. They had only one goat that interested me in buying it if all things work out for that to happen. They did offer us all the milk I could milk out a couple days a week. They can't sell milk in New Mexico, which is where they live, without a license, which they don't care to waste the money on, but I can take what I milk out. Since they lost their foreman the man who owns the place is up to his ears in things to do anyway. So as a favor to him I will milk two days a week, and as my pay I get to take that milk home with me. The amount of milk that we will get will nearly supply our demand.

What I'm about to say next means nothing to most of you, in fact only Joan will know what I'm talking about. The milkers they have are an Oberhasli breed. I was surprised to find that out since I believe that is a Sweedish breed. I thought for sure that the more popular breed of goat would be Nubian since they come from Africa and could handle the hot summers here. Their teats were so nice and big compared to the two goats that we have had previously, which would make them easier to milk.

We had a fun day there anyway, and it was so nice to be able to see farm animals again. See more photos of our visit to the Farm here in the "Visit to the Farm" album.



Picnic on 20 acres

We went out last night with some friends of ours, who also have six children, to the property of 20 acres we are looking to be able to share with them. We had a nice little Bar-B-Q and some fellowship while we discussed the inns and out of getting our homes onto the property.

Their family is not so lopsided gender wise as ours since they have an even number of both. Though that is not so soon to be true, they are expecting little girl number four in the summer time.

I was trying to figure out how to adjust my camera to give the photos a more natural look but it just didn't want to do it with the the lighting being the way it was. I took the pictures as all light from the sun was dissapearing and the camera didn't want to function without the flash, which cast such an unatural look on everybody. I forgot to turn on the red-eye reduction as well as you will plainly see in some of the other photos.

They are looking forward to doing some small time farming with us, and we are glad to be able to give what little knowledge we have about it in return for the generosity they have shown us. It should make the next three years an adventure for both of our families.

Since we grilled with charcoal while there, the grill was still too hot to take back with us, so we had to leave it there. We were teasing about coming back in the middle of the night to find the coyotes all standing around the grill cooking up some jackrabbit. "Fred, pass the pepper please. You forgot the pepper!?!?" "Do you happen to have any Grey Poupon?"

See more photos of our families here under "picnic on 20 acres".



Friday, April 21, 2006


This time I'm writing a blog with no picture, and it will probably even be short, imagine that. Mike found out on Wednesday that we are going to be stationed here. We do not know all of the details though since he really doesn't know which unit he will be in.

So we are pursuing a home off post where we will be sharing 20 acres of desert with our friends the Mitchell's. So far so good on the progress. We are hoping to be moved into there by June 1st, but nothing is set in stone right now.

The Mitchell's aslo desire to do small time short term farming. It will seem odd putting animals out on the sandy desert rather than the lush green pastures back in New Hampshire. One very beneficial thing here is that almost all hay here is alfalfa which is very good for milking animals.

Saturday we have planned to meet a family here who is already established with horses, goats, lamas, etc. and get some ideas from them about how raising animals will be different here than in New Hampshire.

Well, I guess I tried to make it short.


Sunday, April 16, 2006

Camping Again

This time we were headed to Leasburg Dam State Park, just north of Las Cruces NM. Leasburg is a shorter drive than Caballo which is where we went last time for our camping trip. Leasburg supposedly had all the ammenities that we were looking for, a camping spot, and a place to fish. When we arrived there the place was packed out, and after driving around it seemed that the water was quite a ways away from any of the camping spots.

So we decided we'd go ahead and go the extra 30-40 minutes to get to Caballo again. When we got to Caballo we found that it had the same first problem, which was that it was packed, but we did find a place right close to the Rio Grand where we could park, the only problem was that there were no camping hookups. The only real problem this could have posed was if it had decided to continue being hot and stayed hot right through the night, but the winds picked up and blew us in some cooler air. So that spot proved to be a suitable spot. I liked being parked right next to the river so that we had the comforts of "home" right there for the little ones while the others could fish to their hearts content. No, nobody caught anything. I think these fish know that we are from up north and they are still holding grudges against northern people, even if I did spend more years down south than I did in New Hampshire. The fact that I married a northerner is probably enough in the fishes eyes to consider me a northerner too.

We spent the night at this spot. I'm always a light sleeper when I'm out camping, the only thing I can figure is because of my sense of being responsible for the children. So I'm often awake for hours at night, and even if I do get back to sleep I'm always the first one up in the morning. So Saturday morning when I awoke I heard a hoo-hoo-hooing outside right next to the camper. I got up and got dressed, and since there was just enough light out to see a little I decided I'd go out and see if I could catch a glimpse of the animal responsible for this noise. I stepped out and headed in the direction of the tree where the noise was coming from. I wasn't able to get very close before the first one took it's flight across the Rio Grande into a hole in the cliff on the other side. The second one soon followed suit but flew to a different whole in the cliff. I don't know that I've ever seen owls in the wild before, probably on display at a zoo or some place that like, but never naturally. So even though I didn't get to watch them in the tree, it was nice to actually know they do exist in the wild.

After fishing in this spot for half of Saturday without even so much as a nibble, we decided to go on the other side of the dam, commonly known as the lake side, the side we were on was the river side. So we pulled up to a place that was very rocky, not naturally so, but rocks that were brought in to help create the dam. It was also a burr farm. These are nickle size burrs that I remember growing up with. They have thorny type projections that have a little curve to them on their ends, making them stick very well. Of course this is the place where we decided to let the kids hop into the water for some fun. So they had to dodge all of the burrs on the way to the water. Mikey had the worse time with them. He'd get them in his feet and then fall down because of it, causing him to get them in his hands. Poor fellow, we had to carry him back and forth when it came time to eat lunch.

We all had fun, and the kids were thrilled to get to swim. Can you imagine swimming in New Hampshire in April? They all had a turn fishing, except for Katie, who spent most of her time sleeping in the camper, and they all came back dirty, tired, and sunburned. There's more pictures of our trip at this site, titled "Camping Trip #2".



Friday, April 14, 2006

Finished bookshelves

Mike finally finished up the bookshelves that he was working on for me. They came out so nice especially the last one that is pictured here. He just kept on coming up with ideas as he was making it and before long it didn't match the first one at all.

The first one Mike did pretty much all by himself, other than the staining which I pitched in on, but the second I got tired of standing by and watching, so I dived in helping him where I could.

I really like what he did with the doors on the second bookshelf. He made them out of planks, and then added two strips of wood one on the top and the other on bottom to make the door more sturdy.

The really neat thing about the two bookshelves that he made was that they are both held together by the boards being set into each other, glue, and wooden nails/pegs. There are no metal nails or screws in these bookcases, they are sort of made in an old fashioned style.

Since he decided to make doors for it I decided that I would finally give my hand a try at another craft I've been wanting to learn, and that is woodburning. I continued to keep the theme old fashioned, so I burned in pictures of carriages and wagons. We both had such a blast making this bookshelf, but we are glad it is over for now.

Next on the list for making is a printer/audio tape shelf to replace the old one, and the bigger job is going to be making a new dinning room table and chairs. I'll have to come up with some creative ideas for doing woodburning on a table.

If you want to see more detailed pictures of our bookshelves you can go here.



Thursday, April 13, 2006


I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure that this is a big ol' southern roach, but they do get bigger, especially the water ones. It's been many years since I've seen one this big. We've seen some smaller ones inside the house here.

Mikey and Faith were playing outside and found this one, and they were having a blast with it, screaming and carrying on everytime it started to crawl toward them.

I remember growing up that we had them so bad in our house, when we would come home at night and flip the light on you could hear them all scamper away. Since I grew up with it it didn't bother me much, but thinking about it now it seems kind of creepy, wondering where they went and exactly what were they doing. We knew they were out hunting for food, but what were they actually finding and eating, was it something we were planning on eating later ourselves? Well I survived it even if I did share food with a roach, in fact I didn't get sick much at all growing up, and we were not clean people, though I've seen dirtier, even while I was growing up.


Picture for Polly

Polly I'm having trouble posting photos here for some reason for the past couple of days. So I'm going to enclose a link that you can go to and view my photo albums, one of them there is called Family Photos, you can see our family photos there.



Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Sweet Dreams

I went out to check the mail today, and as I was walking out of our driveway I looked up directly into the neighbors driveway and found this little girl asleep. It seemed like such a cute picture, and children are always so innocent when they are sleeping. I ran back in and grabbed my camera so I could catch the photo, but not wanting the neighbors to wonder what I was doing taking pictures in their driveway I stayed back in my own and tried to zoon in best as I could, so it's a little blurry. This picture of this little girl, looking so innocent as she slept reminded me of the scripture when Jesus told the disciples to let the little children come to Him and not to turn them away. Perhaps on regular occassions this girl could be difficult to control, but she looked awfully sweet and peaceful here.

I knew that the neighbor whom this driveway belonged didn't have any girls so I figured I'd better let them know she was there, perhaps they knew where she belonged. I guess this little girl belonged to a direct neighbor to them.

So she was returned home safely.


Monday, April 10, 2006

New Church

We have recently, as of this past Sunday, started to attend Faith Baptist Church here in El Paso. The first mention of the Rinka's that we knew anything of was back when we used to attend church in VT, at Bow Baptist Church. They had just sent out letters asking for financial support and donations to use for their church that they had a burden to start in El Paso. I remember thinking how exciting it could be to help them get their church started, but figured we'd miss the starting of it by time we got to El Paso or something like that. Furthermore the Rinka's lived in Las Cruces NM, so I naturally assumed that they also attended church there. However I was quite surprised to find them attending the church that Mike had picked for us to attend before my arrival.

We got to know them a little while we attended church there, and we decided it would be such an encouragement to their family if they didn't have to preach to themselves when the church firt got started. It was also a shorter trip for us and the church we were attending wasn't working out anyway.

So after they spent a good deal of time trying to find the building God wanted them in, they finally came up with a warehouse building on the east side of the city. We had our first unofficial opening service. Since there is still much work to do asthetically Pastor Rinka has decided not to have the "grand opening" until the beginning of June. At which time we will tour the neighborhood handing out flyers inviting people to church and hopefully helping folks learn how to get saved.

Speaking of salvation Faith was the first converted soul at Faith Baptist Church. She's been wanting to get saved for quite a while, but I held her back until I was sure she understood exactly what she was doing. Pastor Rinka was the one who reaped what I had sowed and she got saved last night. From the detailed account that he gave us, she did understand what it meant to be saved.

I'm hoping to get a better picture of our two families together. I took the picture of their family alone after the picture of our two families together and realized that it would come out much better with the flash off. The flash was casting a shadow on the white wall which was making the whole picture much darker. I'll try to remember the next time we are together to get a better picture.

They have another child who is not pictured here. He is there oldest and he is now attending Hyles Anderson College. We have had the opportunity to meet him once.


Thursday, April 06, 2006

El Paso Windstorm

Some of you may remember telling a short story before about the winds here. Believe it or not this picture is a picture of the sun, not the moon. We have been having a nice windstorm today and yesterday. On our way to church yesterday to see the Karpenko's I took this picture. The windstorms can be so bad here that the dirt gets blown in under the doors. Last night I left open the window in the kids bathroom a crack since temps have been between 85 and 90. This morning the sinck was nicely coated with brown sand. I'm grateful for my glasses whenever I have to go out in the wind here, though they aren't capable of keeping it all out of my eyes either.

You can find all kinds of goodies in your backyard after a good windstorm like this. Or you can go check every couple of hours and there will likely be something new back there you might be able to snatch up. A neighbor of ours found a childs doll stroller in her yard and she toured the neighborhood trying to find out who it belonged to. She had exhausted all the possibilities on our block and still couldn't find the owner.

Which reminds me about the Mexicans who drive around the base here. On trash day, or other days they hop in their pick up truck and go to driving around. Military are notorious for throwing things out that need just a little fixing, but they are way to busy to even attempt it, so they toss it out in the trash. The Mexicans aren't stupid, they drive around the base and snatch things out of the trash like appliances, vacuums, and furniture. They fix them up for next to nothing and sell them for a decent price, then they have made a profit off of your trash. It gives a new meaning to "one man's trash is another man's treasure".


Little Tater

Since I figured out how to make this photo of Tater smaller I thought I'd share it with everyone. I always enjoy when I'm able to take a real good photos of whatever I'm trying to shoot. This one turned out ideal although if I had had a mind to I could have changed the lighting to make it look even nicer. It's good enough for an amateur at least.
