Tuesday, September 12, 2006

A Name Has Been Chosen

Just wanted to drop a quick note and let everyone know that a name has finaly been chosen for the little white kitty. We have chosen Alaska.



Anonymous said...

We're seriously considering getting a couple of kitties ourselves. When the time is right, as in, when God works it all out. Can't get just one without giving it a playmate.

Anonymous said...

The two we found are sweet and pretty, but the girl has long fur. That could be a pain when I don't have the energy to brush her every day. So, we're on the hunt for some short haired kitties; less maintenance is best.
Got any name ideas? I was trying to come up with a combination of all your kids' names this morning, but haven't worked too hard at it yet. Maybe the older ones could try to figure out something just for fun?

Anonymous said...

Nix on the kitties after all. Two mornings in a row I woke up not having peace about getting them.