When we left El Paso on Friday April 28th heading for Ranger we had the typical El Paso weather. Sunny, hot, and windy. As we got closer to the center of the state things began to change drastically. At one point when we were driving we were dodging all of the thunderstorms but you could see them as they surrounded us on three sides. In my photo album you will find a picture of a bright cloud surounded by darker ones. In real life it was a fasicnating sight to see the dark clouds part and show this bright yellow cloud.
We hit Abilene, which is about an hour from my home town, and decided to grab some dinner. Once we got inside the thunderstorms we were managing to stay one step ahead of caught up to us. It was pouring outside. Normally rain is not that big of a deal, and I may even consider it a trouble from time to time, but after living in El Paso for 7 months and never seeing more than a dribble here and there, it was nice to see rain again.
In fact we got our fill of seeing rain because the whole time we were in Ranger (my home town) we had a thunderstorm every night but one. We did enjoy the rain. The only trouble we had with it was that Debbie, Becky, and Faith's shoes were tearing apart so they all had holes through which the wetness entered. In that part of Texas the soils have a lot of clay, again the opposite of here, which is a lot of sand. So the combination of clay soil and water sure did make their socks a mess.
We didn't see the end of rain until the day we left Amarillo. We spent 7 days in Ranger, and left on that 7th day to Amarillo to see my brother, where we spent two days. When we arrived in Amarillo it was pouring. It was so nice for them because they had been very dry, and had previously had a lot of grass fires. The first place that we drove up to was the desk at Palo Duro State Park, and the park rangers were outside taking pictures of the rainbow, they had such big smiles on their faces since they had only been getting the rain that day.
While Mike was making arrangements for our camping spot I got out my camera and tripod and took a few pictures of the rainbow(s) myself. You can visit them in my photo album, I will include a link at the end of this blog.
I think next time I will post a blog about the fishing that we did, which occurred just as often as the rain we got in Ranger. So keep a look out for an email to read the next blog.
Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.
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