Well I made it through all right. So far as I can tell everything went ok. It really didn't take long, but then again, how can I judge that since they did put me out with a drug that causes temporary amnesia. I had the operation at about 9:30 this morning and it is now about 2:20 in the afternoon. I'm getting to be a little sore in the teeth and jaw area, but otherwise I'm really not experiencing any pain. I'm so glad. I had myself set up for the worst of it.
Anyway here are the four that they took out. Normally they are not allowed to give them to you by law. She made an exception for me since as the patient I did make a specific request for them. I did it more because Becky just lost her two front teeth, and she was interested in seeing what mine looked like.
In the picture to the left you can the offensive tooth. This is the one that has been causing me pain for a few years. First it started off as being painful only when I ate something really sweet, then just before I gave birth to Leah it would cause me a lot of pain when I went to drink something. After I had Leah the pain went away, but not before a rotten piece of it had broken off. About four days before I went in to have these removed another section of this tooth had broken off. The problem with this is that this particular tooth was not growing down but out toward the cheek. So everytime it broke off it kept getting sharper and my cheek had to grow a callus for it. Now looking at it I can see just how bad it really was, and no wonder it was giving me head and neck aches.
Well I just wanted to share these pictures with you. For those of you who prayed for me, I appreciate it, and looks like the Lord took good care of me.
I'm so thankful it went so well for you. One if my wisdom teeth was also sideways and pointed toward my cheek! When mine were removed I was awake and the dentist was sooo quick! I had envisioned having to watch him yank and that I would feel tons of pressure, etc., but I was impressed at the ease in which he seemed to pull them all out!
Must of been loose from eatin' all that candy, eh? ;)
That first one's a right purty tooth! ;( When I had one pulled the dentist (who treated a lot of children) gave me mine to take home in a little plastic treasure box. I kept it for awhile. Don't ask me why...
Your Weird Friend,
Glad everything is okay, had mine pulled when I was expecting Dan. They did not allow you to keep them back in the dark ages. Don't over due anything as it will take a while before your mouth heals. See you very soon.
Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!
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