Friday, July 07, 2006

Rainy Season

Well the rainy season has come. Yes, we do get rain here, but only during a certain time of the year known as monsoon season. This rainy season lasts July and August. During this period of time we get approx. 8in. of rain. This is the sum total rainfal average of the year for this area.

Yesterday, Muffy, a friend of mine who lives here in Chaparral came over for a visit. While they were here we could see looking west a large wall of rain, that appeared to be coming our way, but it never seems to get past the mountains. At 5:00PM Mike came home and that the intersection of two roads he has to come through to get home was totaly flooded over. Around 6:45 we headed out to church and the "flood zone" had moved closer to our house and that intersection he had to swim through was now dry.

So what had actually occured was that it rained sheets of water on the mountains which ran down our direction flooding out the road, and then it just kept coming this way flooding out mail boxes and other side dirt roads. Eventualy it does all sink into the sand but it can take a while to do that.

As long as the clouds have the sun covered the temperatures are nice, about high 60's, the rain is nice and cool, and the humidity is bearable. If the sun does come out though the humidity rises and our swamp cooler doesn't do anything but blow air around. Everything feels so sticky when the sun comes out and the humidity is high. I have to admit that it is nice to see rain though.


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