Tuesday, July 11, 2006

9 Lives

Yesterday when Mike arrived at work, after a 20 minute drive he found Sandy laying on top of his battery. We figure Sandy is testing the truth of the 9 lives for kitties. Once he finished up some morning work there he had to drive her alway the way back home. She can't be making a habit of this or she might just become the motorpool (the place where Mike works) kitty.



Anonymous said...

Wow ~ no burned fur or anything?? That's incredible! She's Sandy the Silly Cat!

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should do a poll about how Sandy will ride into town next time: as a mud flap? a hood ornament? a fifth wheel? pressed flat against the back window, maybe? Yee-owwww!

Perry Family said...

Ok, the answer to the poll this time was Wrigley's Gum. Looks like one person guessed right.

Perry Family said...

My friend Ellen wanted me to post a poll about my favorite Bible verse. I'm going to have to spend a little time trying to pick out just one, since so many are good. In the mean time I'll post a different poll.

Anonymous said...

Is Sandy still "with us"?