Monday, July 17, 2006

Farm Addition

We've added a new member to our farm, albeit this one will be added to the inside farm. Last night when Mike was preparing the items he needed for work today he noticed that Sandy was playing with something. He found the above pictured animal, which I'm sure everyone is knows what it is, but just in case not it's a trantula. We haven't found out exactly what type of tarantula this is ( hopefully not a Goliath Birdeater) but we'll be checking it out. This tarantula is about the size of a golf ball including it's legs.
Yes, us crazy homeschooling Perry's plan on keeping the critter, yes, inside. My mom never would have allowed this, but my Mom was not a homeschooler, and I find the creatures God created fascinating myself.
So we will get him/her a proper container for all to view, rather than the milk jug we currently have it in. Eventually it will also have a name. We've also found out the proper way of taking care of it after some research on the internet.
We thought we had lost Sandy when we couldn't find her for a day and a half. Last night Mike finally found her in the shed. She snuck in when the door was open and then had the door closed on her. It's gets over a hundred here during the daytime, and it was a metal shed that she was in, so you can only imagine how hot it got in there. We figure she's down to five of her nine lives now, and she's still so young.
My apologies about the pictures of the house. My rechargeable batteries died on me, and until I did some real digging (like in my camera case) to find some throw away batteries I thought I had none. That's why I haven't made an effort. No promises but I'll try to get it done today. Right now I'm working on making a new car seat cover that we've had since Debbie was little. We'll see what's on the agenda after that.
By the way the one of the two hooligans playing with their tongues is not the new critter, just thought I'd clarify that.



Anonymous said...

Niiice.... Maybe you could call it Hairy. Or, Legs or, Sneaky...

Anonymous said...

I have to say, Leah's not looking extremely intelligent in that picture.... ;) They're both pretty cute though!

Perry Family said...

HHmm I don't know. There isn't any name that is :-)jumping :-) out at me at the moment.

Anonymous said...

How about "AHHHGGG!!!" Or "EEK!!!"

Anonymous said...

Or you could call it Mommy, as in , "MOMMEEEEEEEE!!!" the spider's after me!!
Hmm, yeah, I don't think that's your typical farm animal....
The Big E

Anonymous said...

I know you like all kinds of animals, but I agree with how your mother would react. The only good spider is a dead spider as far as I am concerned. Oh well, how about calling it "spedie"?
As long as it stays in what ever container you put it in.
Love the picture of the girls.

Anonymous said...

Yes, speaking of pictures...more pictures of the children would be nice. Providing you have batteries.

Perry Family said...

For those of you who view past posts you might find that an anonymous person keeps leaving the same messages and lots of them. I don't know who it is but they must have left about 40 of these comments, and they always say about the same thing. It doesn't do any harm to my site or anything so I don't know what their point is. Just thought I'd let you know.

Anonymous said...

Weird. I haven't seen any of those comments. Unless you mean ME! ;)Guess I'll have to look around for those.
The Big E

Anonymous said...

What has "anonymous" been saying?
Curious Ellen

Perry Family said...

Just things like "nice site, good content, I'll keep it bookmarked", but they say it over and over again. Then they say something about nice colors. You would have to go back and look at all the previous posts in order to see it.

Anonymous said...

Been there, done that; didn't see any notes from anyone anonymous. Except those identifying themselves. (Like THAT makes sense!) :)

Anonymous said...

Nope, I take it back; I didn't go far enough back to see the mysterious notes. Creepy, I think. I don't like anonymous people -- especially when they don't identify themselves!!!
GUESS Who?!?