Friday, July 28, 2006


This time I'm going to write about Katie, as if you couldn't guess. Katie is now about 8 1/2 months old. I started Katie later than normal on baby food, as an experiment. She certainly didn't suffer from it, and it was much easier for her to start eating solid foods since she was more coordinated. She's only been eating them for about two weeks now.

Katie is on the brink of crawling. If she could just figure out how to move those chubby knees around once she has them under her she would be on her way.

She's very talkative. She says Dada and Mama. Though I don't believe she knows what she's saying somehow she manages to say Mama when she's crying for me. So only Katie really knows.

I bought this Johny Jump-Up for her to use in the barn while I'm milking. However we found we had less space than anticipated and so there's no room for it. It's worked out better for her to stay inside playing while she is still mostly immobile anyway. So we keep it in the house now and put her in it from time to time. She's the first of our children who has ever had one of these. She really isn't quite sure what to do with it. Rather than jump up and down as it is designed for, she spins herself around in circles winding up the rope, and then picking up her feet and whirling around. I guess there's more than one way to use it.

Katie reminds me in build of Faith. However she still has the darker hair like Becky and Leah. She has a very sweet personality. She responds well when being told no, which is very nice for me. I'm sure she might challege that a little more as she gets older but it's to be expected.

Oh, the last thing that I can think of concerning her babyhood is her teeth. This will be short since she doesn't have any right now.

Sorry I haven't a clue as to her weight. I've missed several appointments and so we need to play catch up with her shots now.

Stay tuned for another blog on another of the Perry children.



Anonymous said...

Nice blog! As for her weight, well, hmmm... Let's just say she certainly looks healthy! :) I sure wish I could kiss those chubby cheeks.
Auntie Ellen

Anonymous said...

She sure looks happy and healthy to me. Just get her caught up on those important shots. We don't want her to come down with anything. Take care.

Anonymous said...

I forgot to ask: What's she trying to pull out of her ear?? Was it a birthday surprise for you? :0!