Friday, July 07, 2006

Kittie Story

I forgot to add a cute little story about our kitten, Sandy, whom we believe to be between two and three months old.

Last night while we were getting ready to go to church we checked to see if Sandy was in her usual hiding place under our van. Sure enough she was. Mike started up the van expecting it would spook her out from underneath of it. He checked to see if she was gone and he couldn't see her anywhere underneath there. After we had driven about half an hour and were nearly to church Debbie stated that she thought she heard a cat meowing.

When we finaly arrived after the 40-45 min. drive there while it was raining sure enough if there wasn't meowing coming from underneath the van. I got down and found that Sandy our kitten had hitched a ride through rain and all on our spare tire mount. I wonder if she will ever do that again?



Anonymous said...

At least she wasn't in the engine.

Anonymous said...

What a spiritual kitty! And she could have been in more ways than one!! Glad she survived the ride.

Anonymous said...

I dont have any funny me, anyways...but here's a story.
I've always hoped that my Buff Orp hens would brood some eggs, but with no success. This year, the rooster cam to our farm, and I noticed that two of the hens seemed to be setting on eggs. A waited several weekends to be sure, then, to my dissapointment, one of the hens left the nest. Thinking that the eggs must have been rotten, I picked one up and through it behind the shed. It smashed on the rocks and I was horrified to see that there was a small, pink deformed chick inside the shell.I put the remaining eggs from the abandoned nest beneath the other mother, and hoped for the best. Dad built a brooder and I moved the mother from her nest box to her brooder. We are now waiting to see what will happen!!!!
sorry this was a long comment-grace

Perry Family said...


I hope they all hatch out. I've always wanted to have a hen hatch out eggs, but I'm too greedy and I always take them instead. We've had a few "broody" hens in the past. Let us know how it goes.

Anonymous said...

Oh bla. Actually. They were due to hatch yesterday...but...arggghh!!!!! the mother hasnt let me see what';s beneath her!!

Anonymous said...

whenever I go on your blog, all these things joining the military and voting for President Bush...garce

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oh..sorry about that..I didn't finish the sentence. I meant to say, all these ad thingies come up about joining the military and voting for the president cum up!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh..sorry about that..I didn't finish the sentence. I meant to say, all these ad thingies come up about joining the military and voting for the president!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry. That was a typo. I meant to say, al these clip ad things come up about joining the military and voting for presidents.

Anonymous said...

I keep thinking that I posted a comment, but the computer keeps messing everything up. Sorry. I might have sent out a bunch of comments because the computer kept telling me that I hadn't sent them out but I really had. Anyways, I hope this one gets thru! I MEANT to say:

Whenever I go on your blog, a bunch of ads about everything from joining the military to president bush to free laptops come up. I was just wondering, is that normal?

Perry Family said...

Well Grace all of them got through. The pop up ads are completely normal, they are put there by the site that hosts my blog as a means of making money. Some people, like myself have a popup blocker that automaticaly turns them off so we don't have to view them. Many sites out there have pop up ads on them.